JWPA (hereinafter referred to as we) is implementing our privacy policy as set forth below to protect personal information of customers. We will observe laws, regulations, and other norms applicable to personal information, and take full measures to protect important personal information of customers.

1. Definition of Personal Information

We define Personal Information, Privacy Information as follows:
Address, name, age, telephone number, date of birth, ID, password, e-mail address, information that can identify an individual.

2. Acquisition of Personal Information

We will acquire personal information by a legitimate and fair means without using unlawful methods.

In principle, we will acquire information voluntarily provided by users accessing this site.

3. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

We will clearly state the purpose for using personal information.

We will also use the information only to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose.

4. Management of Personal Information

We will take appropriate precautions to prevent any unauthorized activities, such as leaks, loss, and alteratio

5. Disclosure of Personal Information

We may share personal information obtained with any third parties in the following cases:

  1. When obtaining the consent of the person involved
  2. When required to disclose the information with any legal procedures executed by public institutions such as a court and police station
  3. When required to protect human life, body, or assets

6. Correction and Deletion of Personal Information

When receiving a request from a customer involved for correction or deletion of personal information, we will first authenticate personal identification of the customer and accommodate the customer’s request.

7. Correction of Personal Information

We may correct any part or all of privacy policy for better protection of personal information.

that case, we will endeavor to be able to inform customers in an easy-to–understand manner.

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