Review of the Operational Structure of the Association


  • JWPA News

General Incorporated Association

Japan Wind Power Association

Acting President Masato Yamada


We sincerely apologize for the great concern and inconvenience caused to society and to all relevant parties of the wind power energy industry, including our members, by the bribery case involving the former president of an association member company and a member of the Diet, and for the distrust and concern it has caused not only toward our association but to offshore wind energy as a whole.

As we have recently reported, neither the officers nor employees of the association were involved in this bribery case. Considering the various media reports, opinions and comments from the public, we must take seriously our failure to adequately respond to the present demands in our organization and management; consequently, this failure has caused distrust, suspicion, and dissatisfaction among those concerned, both inside and outside the association, even though global demands for wind energy have increased dramatically. Particularly, in Japan, the expectations and responsibilities of the wind energy and its industry, especially offshore wind generation, have increased undeniably in the 22 years since the association was established and during the 14 years since it became a general incorporated association.

Based on this recognition, the Board of Directors today, 18th October 2023, formally accepted the resignation of all directors and officers who are registered with the company in question and its group companies, as well as the resignation of the association from the company.

In the absence of the President, Masato Yamada (who is currently the Vice President) will serve as the Acting President to oversee and represent the affairs of the association until a new President is appointed.

The Agency for Natural Resources and Energy yesterday instructed us to thoroughly review the fairness of our decision making and activities with a third party’s involvement, and we take this very seriously.

As an organization that bears public responsibility, we will not merely look at whether we are compliant with the law; instead, we will also examine whether we are fulfilling current demands and societal expectations. We have concluded that it is imperative to examine the situation without being bound by the past and boldly implement necessary reforms in order to regain the public’s trust and understanding of wind power generation, and to create a carbon-neutral society.

Therefore, in order to be a representative wind energy organization of Japan that can meet the expectations of the new era, we have decided to launch within this month a “Study Group on the Ideal Association (tentative name)” to discuss how the organization, functions, governance, and communication of the association should be established, with the participation of member companies and outside experts. The committee intends to intensively review and consider the above matter, so that it can conclude its discussion by the end of this year.

We would greatly appreciate your continued understanding and support of our association.



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