JWPA Wind Vision 2023 -Contribution of wind power toward the realization of a safe, stable and sustainable society-


  • JWPA News

The Japan Wind Power Association (JWPA) has issued and announced JWPA Wind Vision 2023 on 29 May 2023.

The following vision will be achieved by 2050 in Japan.

  • To supply 1/3 of electricity by wind power
  • To install 140 GW (Onshore 40GW,  Fixed offshore 40GW, Floating offshore 60GW) wind power
  • To expand domestic green hydrogen supply for utilizing higher wind power


JWPA Wind Vision 2023_Summary_en   

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Cumulative installed capacity of wind power in 2023 Japan: 5,213.4 MW 2,626 Units
JWPA Wind Vision 2023 -Contribution of wind power toward the realization of a safe, stable and sustainable society-
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