JWPA and GWEC launch joint Task Force to drive offshore wind growth in Japan


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JWPA and GWEC launch joint Task Force to drive offshore wind growth in Japan

(Photo is taken by JWPA)

The Japan Wind Power Association (JWPA) and the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) have launched a joint Japan Offshore Wind Task Force (JOWTF) with key local and global industry players to accelerate Japan’s offshore wind market.
The first JOWTF meeting is held from 14:00 on 27 Feb. 2020 at Tokyo Bay Ariake Washington Hotel.

JOWTF aims to achieve;
- To accelerate the offshore wind power development in Japan
- To build the infrastructure for the offshore wind power
- To raise up the offshore wind power industry in Japan

The Task Force will be chaired by Jin Kato, President at JWPA, and Alastair Dutton, Chair of GWEC’s Global Offshore Wind Task Force.
JOWTF is consisted by 14 Japanese and 10 foreign companies/organizations (at present) who are the major players at offshore wind power.
The current thema of discussion is "how to achieve cost reduction at offshore wind power development in Japan."

The Task Force meeting will be held every 3 months for several years.
The 2nd meeting is to be held with Global Offshore Wind Power 2020 at Manchester, UK in June.
The 3rd meeting is to be held with GWEC Global Offshore Wind summit - Japan 2020 at Kitakyushu, Fukuoka pref. in Oct..

GWEC and JWPA launch joint Task Force to drive offshore wind growth in Japan

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