
Life Cycle CO2 Emissions by Power Generation Method

Life Cycle CO2 Emissions by Power Generation Method

Central Research institute of Electric Power Industry reviewed and announced the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted from power generation for the first time in 10 years.

This review is evaluated as of 2009.
(The previous review is for 2000. However, atomic power is for 2001.)

Emissions from wind power generation are 25 g-CO2/kWh, which is estimated at about 1/30 the emissions of thermal power (oil) generation. Although the value announced this time resulted in not being much different from 29 g/kWh as of 2000, it is estimated due to the enlargement of wind turbines and increased use of concrete for the basement.

Just for your information, it is estimated that solar photovoltaic cells emits 38 g-CO2/kWh, geothermal generation 13 g-CO2/kWh, and hydropower (medium-sized dam and conduit type) 11 g-CO2/kWh.

For more details, please see below: