Various activities are carried out to promote the spread of wind power, including organising seminars and events, selecting issues to be tackled by the industry, and conducting various division and committee activities to study solutions and other issues.


Extract issues to address as and industry and review the countermeasures or solutions, such as institutional/political and technological issues surrounding wind power generation and problems relevant to location environments.

  • Policy Division

    The Policy Division carries out the following activities relating to the social environment (authorizations, licenses, etc.), the business environment (pricing, etc.), and other factors affecting wind power:

    • Deliberate on problematic issues related to the relevant systems and policies, discuss measures to address them, and formulate policy proposals
    • Exchange opinions with the relevant government ministries and agencies and other relevant bodies
    • Participate in meetings and forums that consider and deliberate on relevant systems and policies
    • Gather and analyze information and other data on the relevant systems and policies
    • Conduct surveys and research on the relevant systems, policies, and other aspects
  • Environment Division

    The Environment Division carries out the following on environmental assessment, consensus building with local communities, birds, wind turbine noise, etc.

    • Exchange of information on trends in environmental impact assessment of wind farms
    • Exchange of views with relevant government ministries and agencies
    • Participation in various committees
    • Collection and maintenance of technical information
    • Research and research and development
    • Examination of issues and formulation of countermeasures
  • Technology Division

    The Technology Division carries out the following activities related to wind technology in general, including reducing the cost of wind power, ensuring safety and improving reliability, and analysing wind conditions.

    • Collect and maintain standards and institutional information
    • Collect and maintain technological information
    • Investigation and research& development
    • Review issues and plan countermeasures

    Provide information to members relating to the following:

    • Wind turbines (mechanical system, offshore, etc.)
    • Wind turbine components
    • Transportation and civil engineering and construction
    • Maintenance
  • Grid Division

    The Grid Division carries out the following activities relating to grid connection, grid management (including output curtailment), the strengthening of power grids, and other grid-related matters:

    • Gather and manage information relating to regulations and systems
    • Gather and manage technical information
    • Conduct surveys and R&D
    • Deliberate on problematic issues and formulate measures to address them
  • International Division

    The International Division is founding member of GWEC and non-EU association member of WindEurope.The main activities are as follows:

    • Collect wind-related information worldwide (by GWEC Intelligence, etc.)
    • Communicate with overseas wind power organizations (concludes MOU, etc.,if necessary)
    • Cooperation with embassies in Japan, chambers of commerce, etc. of foreign country
    • Dispatch research delegation overseas (every year since 2015)
    • Holding seminars and business matching meetings with overseas organizations and companies
    • Advertise Japanese wind-related information overseas
    • Cooperation with Japan Wind Energy Association (JWEA), etc.
  • Public Relations Committee

    The Public Relations Committee carries out the following activities to promote public understanding of wind power and to increase the industry's presence in Japan and internationally.

    • Support for planning and organising Wind Day events
    • Support for women's activities in the domestic wind power industry
    • Planning of JWPA original goods, contents and PR tools such as wind farm cards
    • Publicity activities through various media and the JWPA website.
  • GOWS-J Planning & Management Committee

    The committee is responsible for planning and managing events at the Global Offshore Wind Summit-Japan (GOWS-J), which JWPA co-organizes with the Global Wind Energy Council each year, and carries out the following activities to that end:

    • Plan the event outline for the summit
    • Recruit sponsor companies and coordinate details with them
    • Design the lecture program and coordinate details with speakers
    • Coordinate details with regional consensus–building exhibitors (local governments, universities, and companies)
    • Plan and manage the Women's Empowerment corner
    • Conduct publicity activities (information provision and advertising via websites, social media, etc.), and media liaison activities relating to the event

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Cumulative installed capacity of wind power in 2023 Japan: 5,213.4 MW 2,626 Units
JWPA Wind Vision 2023 -Contribution of wind power toward the realization of a safe, stable and sustainable society-
Global Offshore Wind Summit - Japan 2024